Data loggers have a finite amount of internal memory that determines the maximum number of readings that can be stored. Depending on the user selected reading interval the total time a data logger will record data, known as the Log Time, can vary significantly.
When configuring a logger, it is recommended to verify that the Log Time is long enough to capture the entire process, otherwise the data logger will stop early and critical data may not be recorded.
A data logger will stop recording when its memory is full, unless it is recording in real time or has wraparound enabled. More information on wraparound mode and real time recording can be found in our Wraparound Mode article.
It is also important when recording data in real time, or with wraparound mode enabled. Knowing this information helps determine the maximum amount of time the data logger can have stored in memory. In these modes, the Log Time will be the same duration, but will always be the most recent data up to that total duration.
MadgeTech 4: Log Time
The MadgeTech 4 software automatically calculates the Log Time, and is displayed in the top right corner of the Custom Start menu. The Log Time is provided in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
If the Log Time is too short for the application process, the Reading Interval can be adjusted from the dropdown box, located in the bottom left corner of the Custom Start menu. By selecting longer or shorter reading intervals, the Log Time will automatically adjust to display the calculated amount of time that the data logger will record before its memory is completely full.