I’m having trouble with my Interface cable (IFC200, IFC202, IFC300, IFC400).
Please follow the steps below to install the USB drivers:
- The interface cable should be unplugged.
- Download the latest USB drivers from the MadgeTech software download page: MadgeTech 4 Software | MadgeTech Save this in a location that is easy to find such as the Desktop or Downloads folder.
- Locate the “USB_Drivers_run_bat” zip file that you just downloaded. Right-click the file and select Extract all and follow the prompts to extract the contents of the zip file to a folder.
- Open the new folder that you extracted (the folder will also be called USB_Drivers_run_bat but will not have a zip icon) and open it. Double-click “PreInstaller” to run the USB driver installer. Let it scan the computer and install the new drivers. If the PreInstaller won’t run due to an “Administrator Has Blocked You” error message, use the following instructions: “Administrator has Blocked You” USB installation error | MadgeTech or alternatively, The “PreInstaller.exe” USB Driver Installer Won’t Run – How to install drivers manually | MadgeTech
- Once it is successful, plug the IFC back in (preferably to a different USB port than before) and wait for the blue light to come on.
- Launch the Software.
- Attach the data logger to the interface cable or docking station.
Once the USB drivers are installed, the interface should be shown in File–>Options–>Communications, under Detected Interfaces. If the interface is still not shown, or the loggers are still not communicating in the Connected Devices panel, contact [email protected] for additional assistance.