A Cloud Services account can function as a central hub by adding cloud users, so multiple users can access shared data using different login credentials.
To add users to an already existing Cloud Services account, first it is necessary to login to the main account that will act as that central hub.
Once logged into the Cloud Services, open the navigation menu and select Account Management.
This page allows the account owner to edit their account information, while also serving as an access management hub. To add a user to the account, navigate to the section below the account information labeled Users and click the Add button.
A form will appear asking for more information about the user, such as their first and last name, and email address that will be used to log into the Cloud Services. The security level of the user can be configured by clicking the Security drop down box.
There are four predefined security levels that can be assigned to users. Higher security levels inherit the access rights of lower security levels. These security levels are listed below, starting with the lowest security level ‘Inactive’ to the highest level ‘Admin.’
- Inactive – Unable to view data.
- Read-only – View and download data.
- Logger Admin – Access to data logger controls, settings, groups, and alarms.
- Admin – Account, user, and relay management. Can claim and release data loggers and relays.
Once the user has been added to the account, an activation email will be sent to the user’s provided email address from [email protected]. The email will provide a link to activate the user account and to create a new password. After configuring a new password, the user can login to the Cloud Service to access the necessary data.
If the activation email doesn’t appear in the user’s inbox within 5 to 10 minutes, please make sure to check any Junk or Spam folders. For any questions or issues, please feel free to Contact Us and we will be happy to help.