Whether the audit comes as a complete shock or it has been scheduled for months in advance, it’s a challenge to comply with such stringent inspections. The difficulty to remain in constant compliance can cause even the most well-managed companies to fail an audit, costing both time and money.
In an effort to help better prepare for audits, and avoid non-compliance, there are three simple tips to follow.
Delegate Tasks
It’s important, especially for large companies, to assign at least one individual from each department to participate in the audit. This requires being available to answer questions and provide the auditor with all necessary documents.
Compile Documents
Create a master list of all documents related to the audit. Make sure these documents are easily accessible and updated frequently.
Plan and Practice
Prepare an overall agenda to outline each step of an audit. This should be designed for the company as a whole and broken down by department to provide guidance. Internal audits should then be conducted regularly to help weed out issues and keep everyone prepared for the possibility of an unexpected visit.
Audits are inevitable, but they don’t have to be has daunting and stressful. Data loggers play an essential role in monitoring, managing, and maintaining regulatory compliance. However, the data collected by the loggers is just a bunch of numbers without the right reporting tools.
Every MadgeTech data loggers comes standard with the MadgeTech 4 Software. This software is designed to streamline data analysis and recordkeeping requirements by offering features and options for complete customization.
For more information about how MadgeTech data logging solutions can assist with audits, call us at (603) 456-2011 or email [email protected].