Support Articles

Calculating Lethality in MadgeTech 4

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It is possible to calculate lethality values based on logged temperature data using the MadgeTech 4 software. MadgeTech 4 can calculate lethality using A0, F0, Fd, Fh, and Pasteurization Units (PU).

Lethality can be calculated in a statistics report, or by using a math channel (which allows the lethality value to be displayed as an additional line in a graph report). The instructions for calculating lethality using each of these methods are as follows:

Calculating Lethality in a Statistics Report:

  1. Locate the desired dataset in the “Files” panel.
  2. Right-click on the dataset and select “Add to new report->Statistics view.”
  3. Click “Add/Remove” in the “Statistics” group of the “Report” toolbar.
  4. In the “Manage statistics” menu, click “Add,” select the desired lethality calculation, and click “OK.”
  5. Adjust parameter values, if necessary.
  6. Click “Close.”
  7. A new column will be added to the statistics report, displaying the cumulative lethality value.

To include lethality values in a statistics report by default, go to File->Options->Reports and click the “Default statistics…” button. Then follow steps 4-6, above. The configured lethality value with then automatically appear in all newly generated statistics reports.

Calculating Lethality Using Math Channels:

  1. Double-click on the desired dataset in the “Files” panel to open the dataset as a graph report.
  2. Click on the “Math Channels” button in the “Report” toolbar.
  3. In the “Manage math channels” menu, click “Add,” select the desired lethality calculation, and click “OK.”
  4. If using a multichannel logger, select the logger channel that should be used for the lethality calculation in the “Channel” dropdown.
  5. Adjust the parameter values, if necessary.
  6. Click “Close.” The lethality value will be added as a math channel and displayed as a new line in the graph report.

Important Note on Cycle Detection

When lethality values are added to a report using math channels, they will automatically detect multiple lethality cycles in a single dataset. This is not the case for statistics reports. The support article “Cycle Detection for Lethality in MadgeTech 4” contains detailed information regarding lethality cycle detection.

About Chris Morse: