Posts by Shane Belanger

About Shane Belanger:

Shane joined the MadgeTech team in 2017 taking on technical support issues. Since then, Shane has acquired a wealth of knowledge and transitioned to sales where he applies his understanding of our products and services to help find customers the best data logging solution for their applications.

Temperature Studies: What is Temperature Validation?

What is Temperature Validation? Posted on

When it comes to long-term temperature monitoring or short-term temperature studies, there are a lot of terms that can be thrown around. This series of blog posts is meant to shed some light on these different terms and break down their meanings.

To read section one on temperature qualification, click here.
To read section two on temperature maping, click here.

Continue reading Temperature Studies: What is Temperature Validation?

Monitoring vs. Recording: Data Before, During, and After

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Before choosing a data logger or acquisition system, decide what the data needs to demonstrate, confirm, or prove.  Do you need to know what is currently happening in your application or do you need to know what happened?  Do you want to monitor or just record?

Continue reading Monitoring vs. Recording: Data Before, During, and After