MadgeTech Blog — About MadgeTech

5 Reasons to Create a MadgeTech Cloud Account

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Have eyes on critical processes, at all times of the day, from anywhere with MadgeTech Cloud Services. Compatible with all MadgeTech wireless data loggers, the platform gives you the power to access your data right from the palm of your hand, and it’s completely free of charge. Here are the Top 5 reasons why you should set up an account today!

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MadgeTech Releases New, Streamlined Solution for Shock Monitoring

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MadgeTech is shaking things up once again with their new line of shock data loggers. The new features included in the UltraShock and Shock300 are the only data loggers that will stand their ground in the most dynamic environments.

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Why IQ/OQ/PQ Matters to You

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These structured forms of verification and validation can be essential for many reasons. If your company reports to any regulatory agencies, the process leaves you with the necessary documentation to prove to auditors, investigators, and the like that you take their regulations seriously and that the services you provide conform to industry standards.

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