Thinking about ditching the mess and trading those bags of soil for a hydroponic system? You may be on to something, but before you make the switch, get a grasp of the advantages and disadvantages of the growing medium before picking out the right hydro system for your operation.
Although the names may sound similar, Muda, Mura and Muri are three very different, but equally important factors in maintaining a safe and efficient manufacturing facility. When analyzed together, the 3M’s can be considered the three enemies of an efficient work place.
Modern manufacturing wouldn’t be possible without manufacturing engineers. While production workers have a strong understanding of the equipment they use on a daily basis, the manufacturing engineers must have a complete, top to bottom understanding of every piece of equipment in a facility, and how all of the parts work together to create one cohesive unit. In many ways, manufacturing engineers are the hub that holds a modern production facility together and keeps it running efficiently. With this in depth knowledge, comes with an abundance of responsibility and challenges in the day to day work of a manufacturing engineer.