It’s no secret, energy efficiency plays a huge part in reducing our carbon footprint. While there are no strict measures currently in place to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, companies big and small are taking upon themselves to address the controversial issue.
To decipher those utility bills, start by monitoring consumption patterns and how energy is distributed throughout the business. By using data loggers to record and analyze energy usage, you can discover inefficiencies and implement changes that will positively impact your bottom line. For example, the data collected can be tied to automated systems to trigger when they turn on and off, reducing energy consumption during non-critical hours.
Energy monitoring could lead to some unexpected findings, that’s why it’s critical to conduct studies during each season. In the winter, you may find drafts where extra installation is needed. Or, maybe in the summer, your air conditioning unit is not running at peak performance, indicating it’s time for maintenance.
MadgeTech advises that data loggers be deployed for at least a week when conducting an energy usage study. It’s also beneficial to monitor conditions before and after energy efficient improvements are implemented to ensure they are in fact effective at reducing energy consumption.
For assistance with finding the right data logger for your energy usage study, call us at (603) 456-2011 or email [email protected]