Whether you are shopping at a store or online, more than likely the goods you’re buying arrived at their final destination through a system of cargo ships and freight liners. Everything from food and clothes, to art and vehicles are shipped every day from one side of the world to the other. While some products can withstand the long haul without being damaged, there are many shipments that require constant monitoring to guarantee products get from Point A to Point B, intact.
Shipping conditions are unpredictable no matter if the goods are transported by plane, truck or boat. Extended exposure to temperature, humidity, shock and vibration can damage a product. But how would you know? Since damaged products equal lost profit, companies are taking matters into their own hands by deploying data loggers with their shipments to record data from the journey.
Constant temperature monitoring is important for perishable products that must be kept in a controlled environment at all times. It doesn’t matter if it’s a day long or weeks long trip; any break in cold chain, for even a brief period of time, could jeopardize the integrity of the shipment.
Humidity is also an important factor for preserving the quality of a product transported by boat in shipping containers. Products with specific temperature guidelines usually have humidity guidelines as well. This can be problematic especially during long distance travels through regions with different climates, which could lead to condensation forming. However, even without condensation, elevated humidity can cause significant damage.
Available in a variety of options, data loggers can monitor one or multiple parameters simultaneously. MadgeTech offers compact temperature and humidity data loggers to easily fit into shipments to record the environmental conditions the product is exposed to. For cold chain shipments, MadgeTech designed data loggers to withstand low-temperatures to validate that the product was transported within regulated temperatures for the entire trip.
When transporting a product, companies must consider damage that can be caused by shock and vibration. Turbulence in the sky, rough conditions at sea, potholes on the road or just the mishandling of the shipment can lead to a faulty product.
Shock and vibration data loggers are built for dynamic environments to help maintain ideal conditions for products and cargo. Looking for an all-in-one monitoring solution? MadgeTech’s UltraShock data logger records shock, temperature, humidity and pressure.
Data loggers can record the transportation conditions during each leg of the journey, providing insight into the conditions a product encounters en route. Simple to use and affordable, data loggers supervise what happens during travel to help companies better prepare their product for the long haul, because it costs less to prevent damage than to correct it.